Parfum textile YUZU
Parfum textile YUZU Parfum textile YUZU

Miroase a grapefruit si a citronella sau lemongrass. In primele minute parfumul este un pic cam intens, apoi se aseaza intr-o mare de aroma citric-ierboasa, foarte proaspata. Un parfum racoritor, potrivit verilor calde si vacantelor :)

Free shipping Unique technology in Romania

Discover "Timeless Aroma Boost" and enjoy complete freshness, up to 12 weeks!

Transport international International shipping

No matter where you are, you can order your favorite products with delivery in Europe

Easy returns Easy returns

You can return the products within 14 days of your order Details

Made in Romania Made in Romania

Made with love here, in our factory, in Romania


Leave us a message with your order with 2 flavors that you want to test as samples (offer valid while stocks last)